Miami, Florida, September 10, 2013

AER Management is proud to add Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell to their roster of artists available for Bookings.


Luke Campbell

Hip-hop’s original bad boy, pop culture icon, and consummate businessman, Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell, is one of the few American celebrities who has had an indelible impact on the worlds of rap music, sex, business, law, and politics simultaneously.

Campbell was the The first Southern rap star to emerge on the Billboard Pop Charts with “Move Something”. Campbell established the first and only African American owned record label in 1983. (Luke Records -originally named Skywalker Records).

Campbell made national headlines in the early 1990s as a part of The 2 LIVE CREW when he led one of Hip-Hop’s most noted victories in society — the right of Freedom of Speech in our music. His highly publicized obscenity trials and Supreme Court parody cases were First Amendment victories upon which the entertainment industry still benefits.

In 2000, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honored Campbell’s contribution to hip-hop by including photographs of him and items of his clothing in its “Hip-Hop Nation: Roots, Rhymes and Rage” exhibit.

In 2004, Luke won the very first Free Speech Coalition “Celebrity Freedom Fighter Award” for his free speech clashes with the federal government. Campbell’s fight for artist freedom of expression paved the way for the lyrical freedom enjoyed today by artists. A constant trendsetter, Luther Campbell’s brand exceeds far beyond what you’d imagine. He is not just a company he is an enterprise. 

No matter what your personal views about Luther Campbell, you can’t discount his influence on the entertainment industry, his business acumen, and his place as the Godfather of Southern Hip-Hop. If the mark of greatness is when everything before you is obsolete and everything behind you bears your mark then his Luther “Uncle Luke,” Campbell has left his mark on the American culture as a whole.

If you ask Uncle Luke, he simply wants to be respected for his contributions and acknowledged as “the man who brought artist entrepreneurship into hip-hop and fought for your First Amendment right!” 

See more information on Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell along with Videos

Book Luther Campbell for your corporate event, appearance, speaking engagement, private party, public concert, fundraiser, or endorsement.
Complete our BOOKING REQUEST FORM and an agent will contact you within 24 hours or email

Luke Campbell

AER Management
Angel Rodriguez
(305) 771-1773